Software helps manage students, teachers, classes, sections, fees, attendance and marks. It provides easy reports like CBSE-CCE, outstanding fees, marks, attendance etc. This is a must have software for all schools. SMS is developed after collecting requirements from several schools. It is a product that is focused on making life easy for school management staff. The product is very easy to use and considers that most staff members at schools are not technology savvy people or typical geeks. The software guarantees saving of money and time for management apart from organizing the school information. It has over 30 reports available at a click of a button which give all the details of a school.
7 days trial
Entry of students in software is limited to 50 students
NOTE: In order to access the demo you need to use User Name: admin and Password: admin1. Also, you need to send an email to request the evaluation license key.
CBSE CCE report, user management,library management,configure bulk sms / gsm /sms / eMail.
Over 30 reports available at a click of a button to have all the details of a school.
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